Meditation Through Clay Workshops

This is a new and unique workshop that I offer.  It combines the practice of mindfulness meditation with the medium of clay, which acts as a creative focus.

Highlights of the workshop include:
  • Use clay as a creative focus during meditation
  • Develop you mindfulness and meditation techniques
  • Discover ways to transform your mental activity
  • Learn to become relaxed and more focused with a aware state of being
  • Alchemy of the mind: turning negative thoughts into positive ones
  • All levels: no experience of meditation needed
  • Will teach you techniques and principles that you can continue to use after the course and practise at home
  • Allows you to work on your own individual concerns in a supportive environment

I have a popular workshop format that can either work for a half day course and also another longer version that can run all day. I also work with various providers to produce bespoke courses that meet differing criteria.